
Our Motherland Is Getting Prosperous and Powerful

Fangce is grown-up.
方策已经长大了 。
Now he is an engineer.
现在他是一名工程师 。
He works in a modern factory in Shanghai.
他在上海的一家现代化工厂里工作 。
The factory is so big.
工厂实在是太大了 。
All kinds of vehicles are parked neatly in the factory park.
各种车辆整齐地停放在工厂园区 。
The environment of the factory is very good.
工厂的环境非常好 。
The windows of the workshops are bright, and the ground is not soiled by a speck of dust.
车间的窗户明亮,地面一尘不染 。
In the production workshops, it’s very cool in summer.
【小学英语双语作文,家长辅导英语写作,《我们的祖国繁荣富强》】车间里,夏天也非常凉爽 。
And there is always fresh air there.
空气新鲜 。
The spacious and bright production workshop and comfortable production environment mean that it is a large national enterprise.
宽敞明亮的生产车间和舒适的生产环境意味着它是一个大型的国企 。
A flagpole stands in front of the factory, and a five-star red flag flutters in the wind.
工厂前旗杆笔直,五星红旗迎风飘扬 。
Our motherland is as pretty as a picture!
Our motherland is getting prosperous and powerful!

Our Motherland Is Getting Prosperous and Powerful

Fangce is grown-up. Now he is an engineer.
He works in a modern factory in Shanghai. The factory is so big. All kinds of vehicles are parked neatly in the factory park. The environment of the factory is very good. The windows of the workshops are bright, and the ground is not soiled by a speck of dust. In the production workshops, it’s very cool in summer. And there is always fresh air there. The spacious and bright production workshop and comfortable production environment mean that it is a large national enterprise.
A flagpole stands in front of the factory, and a five-star red flag flutters in the wind. Our motherland is as pretty as a picture! Our motherland is getting prosperous and powerful!


方策已经长大了 。现在他是一名工程师 。
他在上海的一家现代化工厂里工作 。工厂实在是太大了 。各种车辆整齐地停放在工厂园区 。工厂的环境非常好 。车间的窗户明亮 , 地面一尘不染 。车间里 , 夏天也非常凉爽 。空气新鲜 。宽敞明亮的生产车间和舒适的生产环境意味着它是一个大型的国企 。
工厂前旗杆笔直,五星红旗迎风飘扬 。我们的祖国风景如画!我们的祖国正在繁荣富强!



