
hit the books 看书
read the English textbook from cover to cover 把英语书从头读到尾
take notes 记笔记
review class notes 复习课堂笔记
listen attentively to the teacher in class 课上专心听讲
burn the midnight oil to complete the homework 熬夜赶作业
sit in on sth(class) 旁听...
rattle off the answer 不假思索地说出答案
endeavor to get a great grade 努力得到一个好成绩

a straight-A student 各科成绩都很优异的学生
a child prodigy 神童
model students 模范学生
an egghead 学究
a slacker 学渣
a classmate 同学
an alumnus 校友
study under sb 师从(某人)

the final exam 期末考
the midterm exam 期中考
sit for exam 参加考试
coast through an exam 顺利通过考试
walk through an exam 轻而易举地通过考试
school report == report card 成绩单
make great progress with English 在英语上取得很大的进步
have a good command of English 很好地掌握了英语
dabble in history 涉猎历史
know the concept back to front == know the concept inside out == know the concept like the back of sb's hand 对这个概念了如指掌
Xiaohong excelled herself. 小红超常发挥了 。--- excel oneself 比平常做得好;超水平发挥
give a good/bad account of oneself 表现出色/不佳
(sb/sb's mind) go blank 脑子一片空白
not know a bean about maths 对数学一窍不通
Don't be defeated! 别气馁!
Cheer up! 振作起来!

break up for holidays (学校)放假
set a lot of homework 布置(学校或家庭作业)
a grammar drill 语法练习
have a short slide deck 幻灯片
impart knowledge to students 传授知识给学生
charge Xiaoming with cheating in the exam 公开批评小明考试作弊
run into our PE teacher == come across our PE teacher 偶然遇到我们体育老师
【用英语来描述你的学习生活】drop out of school 退出;退学
