【10张超级PPT跟着移动营销之父华红兵读懂营销】10张超级PPT 跟着“移动营销之父”华红兵读懂营销
Part76 整合服务模式
服务营销从服务的角度将企业视为一个服务的主体,强调企业对内对外的全面服务系统的建构 。
Service marketing regards the enterprise as a service subject from the service point of view, emphasizing the construction of the enterprise's internal and external comprehensive service system.
顾客服务是服务营销的核心内容 。服务营销在一定程度上能够获得较为理想的企业“美誉度”和顾客满意,并起到一种口碑传播的作用 。
Customer service is the core substance of service marketing. To a certain extent, service marketing can obtain ideal enterprise reputation and customer satisfaction, and play a role of word-of-mouth communication.
整合就是对企业、顾客、分销商、经销商、供应商等建立、保持并加强联系,通过互利交换及共同履行诺言,使有关各方实现各自的利益,从而长期合作 。整合服务营销强调顾客的核心地位,并十分注重企业与顾客之间的沟通和互动的设计 。
Integration is to establish, maintain and strengthen contact with enterprises, customers, distributors, dealers, suppliers, etc., through mutually beneficial exchanges and joint fulfillment of promises, so that all parties concerned can realize their respective interests and thus achieve long-term cooperation. Integrated service marketing emphasizes the core position of customers, and pays great attention to the design of communication and interaction between enterprises and customers.