求有趣的英文演讲ppt 求一个英语演讲ppt


  • 求一个英语演讲ppt
  • 求有趣的英文演讲ppt



我演讲的题目是:保护环境,从小做起 。
这些年来 。我们国家受到了严重的环境污染,特大沙尘暴在我国一次又一次发生 , 它将会掩埋草地、吞毁家园 , 严重地影响了人民的生活 , 使我们难以生存 。绿色的草地将会变成沙漠 , 大树将会永远卧倒在地,而我们也不会快乐生活:幸福没有了,亲人没有了,连我们赖以生存的地球也会在茫茫宇宙中粉碎,就像玻璃摔在地上一样 。然而这不仅是沙尘暴带来的灾难 。
现在,连南极也遭到了污染破坏 。因此,地球上失去了最后一块净土 。泰山原来是被人们观赏的好地方,居然也成了保护区 。
而我们,难道就只能袖手旁观吗,难道我们只能看着这美丽而脆弱的地球永远消失在人间吗?从此,我们能看到风吹草地见牛羊 , 白云下面马儿跑的那种景象吗?虽然我们只是小学生,但是我们还可以为家乡做出一点贡献,让定西在希望中崛起 。
有些同学可能知道在塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘有个罗布泊,那是一个生机勃勃的绿洲 , 一年四季都会有新鲜的空气 , 令人向往的环境,绿茵环绕、丛林掩蔽的环境让那里的生活的极少数人对着一片沙漠中的绿洲重新燃起了生活的希望 。可是有谁能够知道,长达几百甚至几千年的圣地 , 竟然被那里愚蠢的人们将它消失了、毁灭了 。死亡人数陆续增加,更因为腐烂的尸体没有埋葬,森林已经受到了严重的空气污染,森林一天一天地消失 。透过罗布泊几乎烤焦地皮的阳光,我们依稀可以看见罗布泊的痛!它在怀念,怀念昔日的牛马成群,青山绿水;它在叹息,叹息今朝的黄沙万里,枯树残枝;它在渴望,渴望生命之源,万物之根.然而,人类这个巨大的吸水鬼,断绝了它的最后一丝希望.于是,用对生命的渴望垒起的绿色长堤轰然倒塌……
每当4月22日,这是地球的节日,至今已经30年了,就因为“三废”污染(废水、废气、废渣)和“十大污染”,每年造成了全世界的一大部分人患病、残废、甚至死亡 。然而,白色污染已经有了自由,它在天空中胡作非为,把空气哥哥和臭氧层弟弟的衣服扎破 , 他让沙漠上的沙子飞得永远不得停息 , 搅乱了人民的生活 。大自然叔叔不敢与它作对,匆匆忙忙的离开了人们 。
如果我们再不能够制止,白色污染会给人类严重的惩罚,到了最后 , 不仅是珍稀的动植物 , 就连我们人类,最终将会灭绝在沙漠上 。
同学们,我们离不开赖以生存的地球,共同的命运把我们联系在一起 , 大自然叔叔多么盼望它能回到家园,地球母亲把重任托付在人类的身上,因为只有我们才能挽回地球和人类的幸福:让绿色不再叹息,大自然不再哭泣,让地球母亲的伤痕消失 , 让明天的地球更加美丽、坚强、可爱!


Teachers, students, and everyone!
I lecture on the topic of: protection of the environment, starting from a young age.
Over the past years. Our country has been serious environmental pollution and serious sandstorms in China's happened time and time again, it will bury the grassland, swallow their homes destroyed, it has seriously affected people's lives, so that we difficult to survive. Green lawn will become desert, the tree will never Wodao to the ground, and we are not happy life: there is no happiness, no relatives, and even for the survival of our planet will be in the vast universe of the smash, Like glass hurled to the ground like. But this is not only a dust storm brought about by the disaster.
Now, even Antarctica was also a pollution damage. Therefore, the earth lost its last piece of pure land. Tai Shan was originally a good place for people to watch, actually has become protected areas.
And we, can only look on with folded arms on this, should we be looking at this beautiful and fragile planet forever disappear in the world? ? Since then, we can see the wind turf see cattle and sheep, horses running below the clouds that picture? ? Although we have only primary school students, but we can also make some contribution to his hometown, in the hope that the West will rise.
Some students may know the edge of the Taklimakan Desert have a Lop Nor, it is a vibrant oasis of the year there will be fresh air, is longing for the environment, Lvyin around, masking the jungle environment where the lives of a handful of people In front of a desert oasis in the life of renewed hope. But who can know, up to hundreds or even thousands of years of sacred sites, there has been foolish people will it disappear, destroyed. Gradually increase the number of deaths, but also because of the decomposed bodies not buried, the forest has been a serious air pollution, forest heaven and earth disappear one day. Through the Lop Nor site almost Kaojiao the sun, we can see vaguely the Lop Nur pain! Miss it, miss the old Pneuma groups, Qingshanlvshui; it sigh, sigh Jinzhao the yellow sand thousands of miles, Kushucanzhi It The desire and for the source of life, the root of all things, however, this huge human ghosts of the water, cut off its last glimmer of hope. Therefore, to life with the desire of the green Leiqi Long Beach Hongran collapse……
Whenever April 22, which is Earth's festival and has 30, because of the "three wastes" pollution (waste water, emissions, waste residue) and "Ten pollution", the world every year a majority of people suffering from Disease, disability or even death. However, the white pollution has been free, it abuses in the sky, the air brother and brother's clothes punctured the ozone layer, he let the desert sand fly never be stopped, confuse the people's life. Nature and uncle did not dare go against it, the rush to leave the people.
If we can no longer stop, the white pollution will give serious human punished, in the end, is not only rare plants and animals, even our humanity, will eventually be extinct in the desert.
Students, and we can not do without for the survival of the Earth, our common destiny is linked to nature uncle how it can hope to return to their homeland, the earth mother of the heavy responsibility entrusted to him in the human body, because only we can save the planet and humanity The well-being: Let no sigh of green, nature will not cry, Mother Earth's scars disappear, so that tomorrow's world more beautiful, strong, lovely!


【求有趣的英文演讲ppt 求一个英语演讲ppt】As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty.
Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What's worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will come to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization, Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.
学习之于心灵,就像食物之于身体一样 。摄取了适量的营养食物,我们的身体得以生长而肌肉得以发达 。同样地 , 我们应该日复一日不断地学习以保持我们敏锐的心智能力,并扩充我们的智力容量 。不断的学习提供我们用不尽的燃料 , 来驱使我们磨利我们的推理、分析和判断的能力 。持续的学习是在信息时代中跟时代并驾齐驱的最稳当的方法,也是在变动的世代中成功的可靠保证 。
一旦学习停止,单调贫乏的生活就开始了 。视学校为汲取知识的唯一场所是种常见的谬误 。相反地 , 学习应该是一种无终止的历程,从生到死 。由于世界一直快速地在变动,只要学习停顿数日就将使人落后 。更糟的是,蛰伏在我们潜意识深处的兽性本能就会复活,削弱我们追求高贵理想的意志 , 弱化我们扫除成功障碍的决心,而且扼杀我们净化我们人格的欲望 。缺少学习将不可避免地导致心灵的停滞,甚至更糟地,使其僵化 。因此 , 为了保持心理年轻,我们必须将学习当作一生的事业
