

答:我们首先要说,不管这篇论文是已经提交在审稿阶段,还是文章已被接受在Proof阶段,再或者是已经在线发表了,都可以尝试联系期刊进行作者名单修改 。但是,改起来并不容易,甚至不让改 。科研论文变更作者名单是一件非常严肃的事情,大家投稿之前一定要再三确认好作者名单,避免出现更改作者的情况 。

如果真需要修改,我们首先要向编辑发送作者变更信进行沟通交流 。在这封信中 , 应详细说明需要进行变更的原因,并请求编辑对这一变更予以批准 。确保所有受影响的作者都同意进行此类更改 。接下来就是等待编辑的回复,有的是给你一张表格进行填写,有的就是通过邮件进行联系和确认 。


[Your Name] [Your Affiliation] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Date]

[Editor's Name] [Editor's Title] [Journal Name] [Journal Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Editor's Name],

Subject: Author change request for the manuscript titled "[Title of Your Manuscript]" (Manuscript ID: [Manuscript ID provided by the journal, if applicable])

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a change in the authorship for our manuscript entitled "[Title of Your Manuscript]," which was submitted to [Journal Name] on [submission date]. The manuscript ID is [Manuscript ID provided by the journal, if applicable].

We would like to [add/remove] [Author's Name] as an author due to [provide a clear and concise explanation for the change]. The revised author list would be as follows:

1. [Author 1]

2. [Author 2] ... [If adding an author, include their name and affiliation in the revised author list.]

All authors, including [Author's Name being added/removed], have been informed of this change and have agreed to it. We have also confirmed that this change complies with the journal's authorship criteria.

We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause and kindly request your approval for this authorship modification. Please let us know if you require any additional information or clarification, or if there are any specific steps we should take to update the author list.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name] [Your Affiliation]

请根据您的具体情况和期刊要求调整此模板 。在与期刊编辑沟通时,请保持礼貌和专业的态度 。
